Spring is the right time to start checking the plants in the natural pool, cutting away the dead leaves and removing debris from the bottom that may have collected during the winter.

The waterlilies, which may have multiplied, should be thinned out so that they don’t suffocate the other plants, thus restoring balance inside the bio pool.

A part from being beautiful, water lilies are essential in providing the necessary shade in the water reservoir, keeping it cooler and reducing weed growth.

Some clouding of the water is natural and will not damage the health and balance of this ecosystem. Nevertheless, it may be avoided by adding natural products that are available on the market, and the water will regain its clearness.

It is important to remember to maintain the water level required by the natural swimming pool and to restore the level with water coming directly from an available source. The water from a fountain or a well can be readily used after testing, to make sure it has the necessary safety requisites.

Always remember to shower before you dive into your biopool, so that your sun screen lotion or other cosmetics do not pollute the water

In spring, the season for your bio-pond begins, with nature blossoming in it and all around it. It is time to enjoy its peacefulness and the sound of the waterfall.